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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Skycar sets off on epic journey

From Haroon Siddique, The Guardian, London:
At 10 am on Wednesday the vehicle that can "drive like a car" and "fly like a plane" began a journey from the salubrious surroundings of Knightsbridge, London, to Timbuktu.

Bond's favourite inventor, Q, would probably approve of the Parajet Skycar, but even 007 might think twice about the hazardous mission that awaits it.

At 10 am on Wednesday the vehicle that can “drive like a car” and “fly like a plane” began a journey from the salubrious surroundings of Knightsbridge, London, to Timbuktu. The Skycar is heading for the Sussex coast from where the expedition leaders hope to fly over the Channel. The trip of 6,000km will take the car—in plane mode—over the Strait of Gibraltar, the Pyrenees, the Sahara and finally to the Malian city.

As well as natural barriers, the team has been warned about the threat of kidnapping in volatile parts of Africa and the car will have to negotiate a minefield in Maur-itania–“I might fly that one,” said 45-year-old expedition leader Neil Laughton.

When the need for flight arises–estimated to be for 40 per cent of the journey–a ParaWing, a parachute of the type used by paragliders, will be dragged behind the modified off-road buggy and the propeller on the back of the vehicle will boost the Skycar down whatever happens to be serving as an improvised runway. When it reaches 45mph, enough lift should be generated to get the car airborne, its weight supported only by “a silk handkerchief, a large one at that,” said Laughton.

Emphasising that the journey would be the Skycar's maiden voyage, the expedition leader admitted the car had not yet been tested to any “distance, heat or endurance” and that there was an element of “mad Brits” about the adventure.

Its inventor, Gideon Cardoso, 28, dubbed the “boy genius” by Laughton, will accompany the former SAS officer for part of the journey and a support team of up to 13 people will be on hand. read it all here

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